Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Radio

A thing of Beauty at one point , A hip hop icon in its own right...now!
I can't Stand it and it's playing the same song all day style.
Like really i don't need to hear Drake or Jay-z all day long.
I do understand that its the new hot ish, but A least give me more throw back tunes!! I think it would be in their favour to do so! You can't feed your baby the same thing all year round and think that he/she is going to grow healthy. The baby needs different foods, to help grow and same goes for music.
See the Eras of Hip Hop is like different foods all are good but some are better than others but there all need in small and big doses.
Could you imagine if we only had one hip hop act and it was lets say “Soujla Boy” Now he the only hip hop act on the radio and everyone dresses like him and does almost everything he does... now that would be intense .. Now don't get me wrong Soulja boy in no way sharpe or form is my target in the post nor is Drake or Jay but its just that i find it hard to
get hyped over hearing the same thing day in day out. So when i hear that song that is so LEFT its RiGHT it stays playing in my I pod for months !

Bridge the gap.

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