Sunday, September 6, 2009


You didn't think we would notice! The fact that you ain't saying anything. That your all show and no flow. That you have more swag than skills. That your more of a pop artist. That your hook is the heart and soul of the song. Now check this, maybe 3 -4 years ago song were made with Lyrics. I know right seem like just yesterday. Well note worry ones anyways, think back to all the song that were hits then. Now do you remember more than just the “hook” of the song your thinking of. If so I have almost made my point, now take a song from this year thats HUGE(!) and rap the “Verse” to yourself (if you remember it). If you don't remember the verse point made! I Was chatting with a friend, and both of us notice that some new song have lower verses. Meaning the “ Hook “ is loud and in your FACE(!!), but the verse is low and quite with little no hype. Maybe this is the reason for not remembering what is being said or maybe it's just record labels hinting the weak song with a nice hook?


  1. 'I feel you on this post

  2. Preach.... Not about the music anymore, its about who can sell the most records with catchy hooks. i.e Laffy Taffy (oh how I hate that song smh)
